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The following we talk about the vacuum flange related to several categories: ultra-high vacuum flange, tight vacuum quick-release flange, tight vacuum quick-release flange. Ultra-high vacuum flange: apply to ultra-high vacuum system stainless steel flange flange connection, using copper gasket seal. The permissible baking temperature of flange is 450 °C (see GB6070 -85 for the specific structure and size) . Tightening type vacuum quick-release flange: suitable for low, medium and high vacuum pipeline, using O-type rubber sealing ring to seal. This structure nut material uses the carbon steel, the stainless steel, the aluminum alloy or the hard plastic ABS (black) and so on. The liner material can be carbon steel or stainless steel, if the use of carbon steel, the surface needs nickel plating, liner seal surface roughness of 20, but there should be no obvious radial grooves and Nicks. Pressure type vacuum quick-release flange: pressure type vacuum quick-release flange is suitable for low, medium and high vacuum pipeline, sealed with O-type rubber seal ring. The connecting disc of this structure is made of carbon steel or stainless steel. If carbon steel is used, the surface needs nickel plating. The sealing roughness of the connecting disc shall be 20 and shall not have obvious radial grooves and Nicks. The concrete structure can be seen in GB4982-85. This information by Hebei Tianxiang Cheng Flange factory original editor, reproduced please indicate.
安徽利勒潔凈設備科技有限公司是國內專業生產制造潔凈衛生級閥門管件,主要應用于食品機械行業、制藥機械行業、乳制品行業、釀酒飲料行業以及精細化工等行業高精度衛生級流體設備的專業生產廠家,產品規格齊全;產品主要有:衛生級米勒制藥用真空法蘭生產廠家,無菌隔膜閥,卡箍直通隔膜閥,三通隔膜閥,法蘭隔膜閥,氣動隔膜閥,U型隔膜閥,罐底隔膜閥 ;無菌球閥,卡箍直通球閥,螺紋球閥,焊接球閥,氣動球閥,法蘭球閥,電動球閥;衛生級蝶閥,焊接蝶閥,卡箍直通蝶閥,螺紋蝶閥,法蘭蝶閥,氣動蝶閥,電動蝶閥;不銹鋼衛生泵,不銹鋼衛生級離心泵,不銹鋼衛生自吸泵,不銹鋼酒精防爆泵,衛生奶泵,衛生飲料泵;止回閥,過濾器、呼吸器、換向閥、防混閥、安全閥;衛生級不銹鋼管件,焊接彎頭,快裝彎頭,不銹鋼三通,快裝三通,四通,真空彎頭,大小頭;罐頂組件系列,不銹鋼儲罐,發酵罐,不銹鋼衛生級人孔,清洗球/器,視鏡燈,排氣閥等其它非標產品生產加工;我們竭誠為您服務.
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